Somatic Thai Massage

Image for Somatic Thai Massage


Our Somatic sessions are unique in approach. Your first session will always be about establishing safety - not only between your body and mind, but also allowing you to establish a connection with your practitioner. Only then will your body begin to feel it has a voice again, and only then will you begin to discover the mysteries that have been locked away within your body's seven belts of tension. Subsequent sessions will continue to develop these relationships, while establishing internal and external resources, safe breathwork and guided meditation practices, and how to approach our physiological symptoms that we experience when we are consciously, or subconsciously, triggered. Somatic sessions are always unique, and will always honour what you are currently experiencing with grace and integrity. Try a Somatic session today and begin to uncover your own unique and long lost mysteries, while releasing the trauma from your physical and energetic bodies.
